Friday, July 26, 2013

Being a noob.

I don't really know where to start. It's hard to do something when you're told it's a good thing to do and then you don'd have much help. It's probably a good thing that I like to figure things out on my own. This whole blogging thing is new to me. I was told by people with more experience than I have that it's good just to get your thoughts out there. I can see what they mean. When you write things down everything just seems to be clearer. But I don't want to just write my thoughts down. I want to write about things that other people will find interesting. But first it has to interest me or else it's just a waste of my time. I'd really don't know what I'm doing. And when that happens, I google it. But it would be nice to get feed back from an actual person. I like trading thoughts with other people. Any advice would be much appreciated! I'm trying to get thoughts out there everyday. This is day two. Have a good day!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Start

I'm a incoming sophmore at Whitworth University. I'm studying Computer Science currently. As of now I dont think I'll be changing my major. I have coding classes at school, but I dont think it's enough.
I want to start coding outside of school. I'm using Learning Python the Hard Way ( to do this. If you want to start coding, or have any interest at all. That web site is one of the best ways to start! This being my first blog entry I dont really know what to say. But I'm going to start posting regularly! Contact me if you if you like LPTHW! (