Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Why I chose C++ and Python

    Theres always people fighting over which programming language is the best. I think there probably is a "best" language out there but I think that if you're programming then you're doing something right. It all just depends on what companies are looking for and which languages they want you to know. It all seems overwhelming to me. From my point of view, it seems like Java, Python, C++, Ruby, and Javascript for UI seem to be the big languages right now. 

    I'm currently learning Python and C++. My university, Whitworth, kind of forced me to learn C++, whether I liked it or not. It seems like a really strict language to me. From what I've learned (I've only had one semester of C++) it's a very mathematical language and can handle math based algorithms really well. So it would seem to me that C++ is really good at physics engines. My older brother, who is pretty successful in the world of computer science, showed me this website: I don't know if you can click that or not. But you wont be disappointed when you look it up. The C++ source code on that website is all on git hub. It's a physics engine that Robert Thodgin, Andrew BellHai Nguyen and Steven Schieberl wrote and played around with. It seemed like a really cool project to me. 

    I'm learning Python on my own. From what I understand, it is a dynamic language. I seems very freeing compared to C++. I like it because you don't have to use << endl; and you dont have to us the "<<" and ">>"! It just seems a lot easier to write more code with python than it would with C++. As I've mentioned, I'm learning python through Learning Python The Hard Way. It's kind of interesting that im learning python this way. In school, I'm getting exercises and I'm suppose to write all the code from scratch to do what the exercise is telling me to do. In LPTHW I'm copying all of the code and running it and then I change some of it to see what certain things do. Im curious to see which way is better for me to learn. The classroom/exercise way seems to be a lot more frustrating because you can make a stupid mistake and be stuck on it for quite a while. But of course you can make a copying error in LPTHW, which I have done a couple times. It gives you an error but you know that the code should run perfectly.

   So, in the end, I was kind of forced to learn C++. It's definitely not a bad thing. I think it's and awesome language and I'm going to keep it up. I chose to learn Python because i think it's a lot different than C++. I didn't want to learn a language on my own that turns out to be basically the same thing as C++. Just in general I didnt want to learn a C based language as my second language. I'm still not well versed in either language but I think over the next year I'll actually be able to start cool projects! I'll probably post them on Github. I like the idea of open source code, and I want to promote that.

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